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Message for U2 Falcons and Harriers

Message for U2 Falcons and Harriers

Katharine Johnson (Davidson)14 Sep 2011 - 07:24

U12 Harriers and Falcons - NEWS

It was good to see a good turn out on Sunday morning and hopefully it will be similar throughout the season.

Just a couple of points for everyone to be aware of:

· All boys must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all training sessions and matches who should remain at the ground for the duration of the match or training session – this is a requirement for all minis players. If a player has no parent or guardian present their participation will be limited or stopped by the coaches depending on circumstances.

· This coming Sunday is the last day to pay Club and team fees (£80 & £40). If you have not paid yet please come and find Jon Evans at the beginning of Sunday’s (18th September) session – Chris has ordered the wet weather team kit for all boys so we need to recoup all monies.

· Training is planned for 7pm – 8pm on Wednesday evenings at the club and will start on the 21st September. Please let me know if you will be unable to attend so we can get an idea of numbers.

· Fixtures have been uploaded onto the website.

Further reading